Dr. Solen Feyissa Sharing His Passion of Photography for Beginners

Apart from being an independent researcher and a proponent of e-learning, Dr. Solen Feyissa is also passionate about photography. Sharing his love of photography with beginners, he put forward some tips that helped him follow his passion. These tips are easy to understand and give valuable information on camera techniques for creativity and composition.

Tip 1: Do Not Buy Expensive Equipment at the Start

Dr. Solen Feyissa advises novice photographers not to go for expensive equipment at the beginning. There is no question expensive cameras are more capable, but he states that it is possible to take beautiful photos with an inexpensive camera, and the more photos you take, the more you will know which equipment works best in which setting. Novices can practice with inexpensive equipment, master some techniques first, and then raise the bar by buying expensive camera gear.

Tip 2: Use the Camera You Already Have

While it's tempting to buy every new camera in the market because of the slick features, Dr. Solen Feyissa, an instructional designer at the University of Minnesota, suggests sticking with the camera gear you already have. Although there are plenty of cameras and accessories available in the market today, each one better than the other, even entry-level DSLRs provide great results. Everything depends on how you capture the moment to make it an iconic picture. Dr. Solen Feyissa also says that practice and creativity that makes a good photographer, and not just the camera. So focus on skills first and then go for a better camera.

Tip 3: Make a List of Shots

Another tip Dr. Solen Feyissa gives to beginners is to make a list of shots they would like to take. This idea comes in handy, especially when you do not have your camera around, and you come up with a great shot to take. Writing them down will let you take those shots later. The easiest way to jot down ideas is to carry a notebook with you, and if that is too much, you can always note them down on your smartphones.

Tip 4: Do Not Overlook Subjects for Photos

Dr. Solen Feyissa says not to overlook mundane objects for photos. Chances are you might find something valuable to photograph if you look hard enough. Even a simple thing like a flicker of light or a blooming flower can give you the best shot.

Tip 5: Use Your Surroundings

A professional-level tip is to learn how to use the surroundings. Learn how to focus on the environment surrounding your shot to make it a part of your piece. At the end of the day, learning how to reframe your world is what will make you a better photographer.

Final Advice

Photography can be an expensive hobby. But only if you let it. You can take good photos with any modern camera. No amount of gear will improve your photography skills. You must develop your skills through deliberate practice.


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