
Therapeutic Photography – Alleviating Mental Illness through Photography

Photography is a way to communicate with the world. Things that are hard to put in words or are intentionally held back due to fear of stigma can find their way into the world via images. The colors somehow compel one to embrace the otherwise odd concept and accept it as normal. Solen Feyissa , an avid photographer and Instructional Designer at the University of Minnesota (UMN ) talks about how we have immersed ourselves so much into the media-saturated world, where sticking to the screens of our devices seem to be the only plausible solution to our problems. We have not even given thought to the idea that we can pick up our cameras and move around to see, feel, and experience things for ourselves as they are rather than wishing and gasping while we scroll our screens. Researchers at Penn State a meta-analysis of more than 100 studies which focused on the effects of art on physical and psychological health in The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Curren

How Meditation Can Help You Amid The Coronavirus Outbreak

During such uncertain times, it is crucial to focus on ways to help manage anxiety and fear while coping with the ever-changing situation of the world. According to SolenFeyissa , a long-time meditator, avid photographer , and Instructional Designer at the University of Minnesota (UMN ), meditation practices could be a great way to find balance as the world is gripped by COVID-19. Although we simply can’t rid of daily stressors, meditation might offer the required mental shift to equip you for life’s upcoming obstacles. Solen Feyissa notes that recently meditation has gained a lot of hype, but originally the practice is centuries-old – calming the mind while easing your daily stress. Meditation – The Only Cure for Stress According to Solen Feyissa there if a growing body of research showing that mindfulness training enhances the quality of life, mood, resistance to distraction, increases your working memory and improves emotional regulation. The body Solen Feyissa notes

Dr. Solen Feyissa Sharing His Passion of Photography for Beginners

Apart from being an independent researcher and a proponent of e-learning, Dr. Solen Feyissa is also passionate about photography. Sharing his love of photography with beginners, he put forward some tips that helped him follow his passion. These tips are easy to understand and give valuable information on camera techniques for creativity and composition. Tip 1: Do Not Buy Expensive Equipment at the Start Dr. Solen Feyissa advises novice photographers not to go for expensive equipment at the beginning. There is no question expensive cameras are more capable, but he states that it is possible to take beautiful photos with an inexpensive camera, and the more photos you take, the more you will know which equipment works best in which setting. Novices can practice with inexpensive equipment, master some techniques first, and then raise the bar by buying expensive camera gear. Tip 2: Use the Camera You Already Have While it's tempting to buy every new camera in the market becaus